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Release time: Dec 24,2021 Reading volume: 2100 Source: 信息中心
All membersocieties, specialty committees and relevant organizations,In order tohonor Chinese medicine organizations or individuals that contribute a lot tointernational transmission of Chinese medicine, to push forward academicexchange between Chinese medicine societies, to improve the academic level ofChinese medicine, to promote the merging of Chinese medicine into the medicalhealthcare system of different country & regions, and to make furthercontribution to the health and well-being of mankind, the ‘International Awardfor Contribution to Chinese Medicine’ approved by National Office for Science& Technology Awards is established. It is the exclusive international awardin the Chinese medicine field which has been awarded for six times.
For bettercarrying out relevant work about recommendation and application of ‘The 7th International Award for Contribution to Chinese Medicine’, following pointsneed to be noticed:
I. Recommendation, application should be consistent with the rulesstipulated in the . The files can be downloaded from our web site www.wfcms.org;
II. ‘The 7th International Award for Contribution to Chinese Medicine’ has 6 quotas (organization and individual) with 10,000 US dollars each.
III. One of the following requirements should be met for any organizationor individual in application for the award:
(1) Great achievements inscientific researches of Chinese medicine, which gain remarkable social oreconomic benefits, and produce great international significance;
(2) Great contribution made to offeringmedical service, teaching or training personnel of Chinese medicine for localpeople, or to developing Chinese medicine, which produces great significance;
(3) Great contribution to promotionof international exchange and cooperation of Chinese medicine, which producesgreat international significance in popularization of Chinese medicine.
IV.Recommended declaration method:
Candidatesfor the 7th International Contribution Award of Traditional Chinese Medicine ofthe World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies are invited by means ofrecommendation.Units or individuals with recommendation qualifications canrecommend on the basis of merit within the above scope.
1. Units withnomination and recommendation qualifications include:
(1) Members,branches and secretariat departments of the World Federation of ChineseMedicine Societies
(2) WorldFederation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, China Association of ChineseMedicine, Chinese Association for Acupuncture and Moxibustion, ChineseAssociation of Integrative Medicine, Chinese Association of Traditional ChineseMedicine, China Ethnic Medicine Association, China Information Association ofTraditional Chinese Medicine, China Association of Research&Development ofTraditional Chinese Medicine
(3)Provincial competent departments of traditional Chinese medicine in China.
(4) Chineseembassies and consulates abroad and embassies and consulates of variouscountries in China.
2.Individuals with nomination and recommendation qualifications include:
(1)Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy ofEngineering
(2) Masters ofTraditional Chinese Medicine
(3)Successive winners of the International Contribution Award of TraditionalChinese Medicine
  Requirements forapplication:
The form ofrecommendation for ‘The 7th International Award for Contribution toChinese Medicine’ should be filled in both in English and Chinese. Typed on A4sheets are needed with each bounding in book form. A compact disc should beattached with the form of recommendation, which can be downloaded from our website www.wfcms.org.
VI. Date of application: November 23,2021 to March 31, 2022
VII. Please send the dossiers to the Office of International Award forContribution to Chinese Medicine, WFCMS. 
Address:  World Federation ofChinese Medicine Societies, 505, Building A, WealthGarden, No 19, Xiaoying Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101,China
Liaison officers: Liu Xiaoming ,Zhao Xinyi
Tel: 86-10-58239006/58650235   Fax:86-10-58650041;
Web site: www.wfcms.org;   E-mail:wfcms@foxmail.com
Secretariat of World Federationof Chinese Medicine Societies
December 23,2021