WHO Expert Meeting on Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of COVID-19
Release time: Apr 8,2022
Reading volume: 1577
Following a high-level policy dialogue between the Director-General of WHO and China’s National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM) in Geneva on 17 January 2022, WHO decided to convene a meeting of experts to evaluate the role of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the treatment of COVID-19. The subsequent Expert Meeting on Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of COVID-19 was held virtually from 28 February to 02 March 2022.
The objectives of the meeting were:
to understand the methodology applied in producing the reports;
to review and analyse the reports and randomized controlled trials of TCM in various phases of the progression of COVID-19 disease;
to evaluate the contribution of a TCM integrated approach in the treatment of COVID-19; and
to discuss how effectively to enhance the contribution of traditional medicine in global pandemics.
The 21 international experts from the six WHO regions included members of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel, representatives of WHO collaborating centres, members of the WHO International Regulatory Cooperation for Herbal Medicines (IRCH), and members of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Technical staff from WHO headquarters, regional and country offices also attended the meeting.
This meeting report describes the discussion among the experts and the consensus reached reviewing three reports on traditional Chinese medicine and COVID-19 provided by national expert groups in China and 12 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) which had been registered and published as well.