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The 1st Round NOTICE 25th-26th October, 2024   France

Release time: Dec 25,2023 Reading volume: 3737 Source: wfcms

The 1st Round NOTICE

25th-26th October, 2024   France



World Congress of Chinese Medicine (WCCM), organized by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), is a global academic event in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. It is convened annually and has been successfully organized 20 times in China, France, Canada, Singapore, Macau China, Australia, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Malaysia, USA, Russia, Spain, New Zealand, Thailand, Italy, Hungary and Hong Kong China, Brazil, Philippines respectively.

Multiple forms of academic investigation activities also will be organized during the congress. Professors and experts of Chinese Medicine from all over the world will assemble together and share their knowledge and information about their theoretical research, clinical experience, scientific achievements, new inventions and creations. In addition, Exhibition of TCM Trade in Service will be displayed along with the congress.

Important information to note below:

1.        Host: World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies


3.        Support: Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in France

4.        Main Venue:

Time: 25th-26th October, 2024 (Register on 24th October)

Location: Paris, France

5.        Main topics of the meeting:

(1) Promote the international dissemination and exchange of TCM;

(2) Promote the inheritance, innovation and development of TCM;

(3) Promote the culture of TCM;

(4) Promote the high-quality development of the TCM industry;

(5) Assist TCM Benefit Global Human Health.

6.        Content for paper:

(1)Research on TCM fundamental theories;

(2)Clinical practices;

(3)Research on Chinese materia medica;

(4)Acupuncture and tuina research;

(5)Research on the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine;

(6)Research on TCM informatization and international standardization;

(7)The development and regulation of TCM in different countries around the world: TCM education; educational systems and academic research in different countries;

(8)TCM culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection;

(9)Development and research of ethnic medicine;

(10)Theoretical research, practical application, and experience of TCM trade in service.

7.          Participants

Government officials of related countries; experts, scholars and representatives of enterprises who

are engaged in Chinese medicine, traditional medicine, integration of Chinese and Western medicine, modern medicine and other related fields such as medical treatment, education, scientific research, management, production, culture and trade in the field of TCM around the world; and representatives of members and branches of WFCMS in all countries.

8.        Congress Schedule

(1) Academic meeting: Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony, Keynote Speeches, Special Reports in Parallel Sessions, On-site Display Workshops.

(2)Exhibition of TCM trade in service:3m*3m(TBC), one desk, 2 chairs, one socket, adequate lighting, and exempt from registration fee for 2 persons for each booth.

(3) Participants may be given a credit certificate Category II for Chinese Continuing Education (score: 6). If you need credits, please email to the address of the Organizing Committee in China in advance,

(4) Please refer to the second round notice for the submission of the paper.

9.        Important Dates

1st July, 2024 deadline for early bird registration fee

20th August, 2024 deadline for paper submission from attendees

10.    Registration:

Registration will be conducted through an online conference platform. The conference registration fee and registration website can be found in the second round of notifications.

11.    Consultation: 

Host (Except covered by the organizer): Office of World Congress of Chinese Medicine (International Liaison Department of WFCMS):

Contact Person: Sunny Wang, Xinxue Li, Liu Yang, Virginia Wang

Email: wccm@vip.163.com  Tel: 0086-10-58650243/58650240/58650026


Including 30 countries: Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Cyprus,Croatia,Czechia,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,UK,Montenegro,Serbia etc.

Contact person: Cheng Xiaolin, Feng Shixing, Yang Zhiming, Fu Keli, Li Hangyu

Email: contact@cfcmc.org

Telephone: +33(0)6 58 23 0 4 58 / +33(0)6 82 73 20 78 / +33(0)7 68 53 27 91


Kind Regards

World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

22nd Dec, 2023