Notice of the Election Assembly and 11th Annual Academic Conference of Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS
Release time: Mar 2,2023
Reading volume: 1803
In order to promote the academic exchange and common progress of scholars in Traditional Chinese Medicine constitutions (TCM constitutions) and constitutional medicine in different countries and regions, improve the research levels, and promote the development and internationalization of constitutional medicine, the Election Assembly and 11th Annual Academic Conference of Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) will be held in Hainan province, China, in May 2023. The related announcement is as follows:
I. Conference time and location
II. Conference organization structure
III. Conference theme
IV. Conference topics (scope of papers soliciting)
V. Participants
VI. Conference arrangement
VII. Essay submission
2. Way to submit: Send an email to the 11th Annual Academic Conference of Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS( submit your paper.
3. Format and content: format specification, content is substantial, data is reliable, and the authors take sole responsibility for their own views.
4. Paper verifying: Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS has the right to accept or reject, and revise and finalize the paper. Once meeting our requirements, these papers for the conference will be edited into paper collection disc and abstract compilation.
5. Speech at conference : once selected as a conference speaker based on the quality of your paper, you are required to provide with a PowerPoint presentation to the conference staff before April 30th, 2023. The PowerPoint should be prepared in both Chinese and English with 20 slides limited. The time for each speaker is within 15 minutes containing 5-minute “Q & A”. Failure to comply with the above requirements will affect the speech of the conference.
VIII. Conference fee
IX. Way to register and pay fees
X. Registration and accommodation
XI. Contact
I. Conference time and location
Time: May 19th-21st, 2023 (Registering all day on May 19th)
Location: Newyantai Hotel Hainan, Hainan province, China
II. Conference organization structure
Guidance affiliation: World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
Host affiliation: Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
Operating affiliation: Hainan Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing university of Chinese medicine,Hainan society of traditional Chinese Medicine
III. Conference theme
Inheritane and innovation & Exploit a new situation of constitutional medicine
IV. Conference topics (scope of papers soliciting)
1. Theoretical research on constitutional medicine, the theory, method and technique of constitutional medicine serving the great health and health management;
2. Application of constitutional medicine in clinical medical practice, health care and public health;
3. Methods of constitution intervention (including prescription treatment) and effect evaluation;
4. Research on risk evaluation of health status in different types of constitution;
5. Modern research of constitutional medicine and application of the related instruments;
6. Constitutional medicine and multidisciplinary research (individualized medicine, genetics, anthropology, psychology, etc.)
V. Participants
Experts, scholars, businessmen and student representatives associated with constitutional medicine, public health, individualized medicine, genetics, anthropology, psychology field from different countries or regions.
VI. Conference arrangement
1.Conference Agenda

2.Official languages: Chinese and English.
VII. Essay submission
1. Deadline for submission: April 15th, 2023. If overdue, your paper will not be included in the conference academic collections.
2. Way to submit: Send an email to the 11th Annual Academic Conference of Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS( submit your paper.
3. Format and content: format specification, content is substantial, data is reliable, and the authors take sole responsibility for their own views.
①Title and abstract:The title and abstract should be written in both Chinese and English. 300 words or so are needed for each abstract with key words in Chinese listed under the Chinese abstract. Similarly, the key words in English should correspond with Chinese ones and the whole English abstract follow the Chinese version. All the authors should be listed. Author’s unit need to be written in full name with a specific address.
②Words in the text (including reference): within 5000 in English or Chinese. "Three-wire table" is necessary. If the content can be explained in words, please avoid using tables.
③Reference: All authors in the references should be listed if the number is no more than 3. The first 3 names plus “et al.” will be adopted if there are more than 3. The cited references should be published within the recent 5 years with clear pages quoted.
4. Paper verifying: Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS has the right to accept or reject, and revise and finalize the paper. Once meeting our requirements, these papers for the conference will be edited into paper collection disc and abstract compilation.
5. Speech at conference : once selected as a conference speaker based on the quality of your paper, you are required to provide with a PowerPoint presentation to the conference staff before April 30th, 2023. The PowerPoint should be prepared in both Chinese and English with 20 slides limited. The time for each speaker is within 15 minutes containing 5-minute “Q & A”. Failure to comply with the above requirements will affect the speech of the conference.
VIII. Conference fee

* The student ID card is necessary for postgraduate candidate on registration.
* The conference registration is subject to the time to pay fee. The deadline for registration fee discount is April 30th.
* Registration fee includes: conference handbook, delegate card, conference proceedings, venue rental fee, LED rental fee, conference service fee, expert lecture fee, etc.
* Registration fee does not include: round-trip transportation, room consumption during accommodation and accommodation, self-selected inspections, etc.
IX. Way to register and pay fees
Log in the website( register online and pay fees. Or you can scan the two-dimensional code.

X. Registration and accommodation
1. Registration address: Newyantai Hotel Hainan.
2. Hotel: Newyantai Hotel Hainan. Address: No. 18 Haidian Wu East Road, Meilan District, Haikou City, Hainan Province; Zip Code: 570208; Hotel contact: Zheng Yu 15008089728. Single room 380 yuan/room, double room 380 yuan/room, two breakfasts included.
XI. Contact
Secretariat to Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS
Address: Yangguang South Street, Liangxiang University Town, Fangshan District, Beijing , Beijing University of Chinese Medicine(Liangxiang Capus).
Contact persons and mobile phones: Long Liqun(17801219895), Chen Pipi (18801315773), Li Zhenzhen(15811219665), Yang Zheng (18513639319), Zheng Yanfei (18010091957), Zhu Yanbo (13683695560)
E-mail: (specific to the Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS)
Specialty Committee of Constitutional Medicine of WFCMS
February 16th, 2023